Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hello again everybody

Hey people of "shyber shpace".
It's me, Will.

I know it's been a while but I was home on a quasi-spring break with a shitty computer/shitty internet access. That has all been remedied however because I'm back up at school. I'll fill you in a little.

My break was awesome. If I can find a good angle, I'll let you know about the highlight of my vacation (aside from the Say Anything show. That will be written about in detail on theknifefits.com review section) which was Bill and Emily's Birthday extravaganza in New York City. Needless to say it was a great time. In lieu of an official post about it I'll post the link to my pictures from that trip....

Bill and Emily's Birthday extravaganza

So there's that. Anyways, I have a lot of shit on my mind including, but not limited to binge drinking and applying for post-college jobs so my posts may be even less frequent than they already are. Sorry. Give me some ideas if you want and maybe I could drunkedly rant about it.

That's it for now.

Happy Birthday Bill!

Happy belated (although I did officially wish you a happy birthday, heres the cyberspace shout out) Birthday Emily!

Til next time lovely's
-Peace and <3
The Will-miester