I've been meaning to post about this douche bag for a long time. The dumbing down of America is something I am far from excited about and is quite apparent in our everyday civilization and society. Larry the Cable Guy (Also known to me as "Larry the Douche Bag"), is so stupid and unfunny that it pains me to think that he can succeed in comedy. I guess to look at the bright side of things, if he can do it maybe so can I. Well, without further ado, here's the article. Very hillarious.
An Open Letter to Larry the "Douche Bag" from David Cross
P.S. The Gotti boy rant will come later today or tomorrow still.
P.P.S. I've removed Alex Blagg from my link list for quasi-bashing "The Bamboozle" fest. I bash music too but if he's bashing it just because there are some shitty mainstream girly-pop-punk bands on the bill then he's looking past all the amazing bands and musicians also playing the festival and for that, he's banished from the links. He's still a funny guy and I'll continue reading his blog. I'd say check out his older stuff though, he's gone way down hill.
And that's the facts jack!
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